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TownRock Energy

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July 25, 2024

The Heat Beneath Your Constituency

The Heat Beneath Your Feet: UK Geothermal Heat Potential in Political Constituencies At TownRock Energy we are excited to see what a new Labour government means for the growth of…
TownRock Energy’s Dr David Walls and Dr Sean Watson, at the National Mining Museum [Photo Credit Neil Hanna]News
January 16, 2024

Edinburgh Geobattery Project Launch

We are delighted to be leading this exciting project which seeks to understand the feasibility of capturing waste heat, such as from data centres, and redirecting it towards homes using…
October 24, 2023

National Infrastructure Commission Says Heat Pumps Are The Way To Go!

TownRock’s vision of a major increase in heat pump use in the UK was given a big boost by a report from the National Infrastructure Commission (NIC) last week. The…
May 22, 2023

TownRock Energy at All-Energy 2023

This month, we attended the 2023 All-Energy Conference and Exhibition in Glasgow, the biggest renewable energy conference in the UK. An inspiring opening panel featuring the first minister Humza Yousaf…