- September 07, 2023
Date: February 2023 – July 2023
Location: North East England
Client: International Airport
Stage: Low Carbon heating options appraisal
TRE have assessed the potential of heat abstraction from various sources to meet a multi-megawatt demand at an International Airport in NE England. The feasibility of using heat pumps coupled to air source, closed loop or open loop ground source, mine water source and deep geothermal were each explored. Our findings indicated that mine water source or air source were favourable since there are extensive mined workings beneath the site, and the on-site, free production of electricity makes the low COP of air source heating less of a deterrent. Ground conditions and high expected capital investment meant that the other heat sources would be more challenging. The two favourable options were carried over to a technical appraisal where the optimal configurations were explored with the associated CAPEX.