- September 07, 2023
Date: March 2023 – April 2023
Location: Falkland, Fife, Scotland
Client: Wallace Whittle
Stage: Low carbon heating options appraisal
Description: TRE appraised the low-carbon heating options for a new development in Falkland, Fife, in line with the development’s RIBA stage 2. The project aimed to identify the best heat source for an ambient loop heat network for commercial and residential buildings. This included assessing the geothermal resource potential at the site for closed-loop borehole arrays and open-loop boreholes based on the underlying geology. Air-source heat pumps were also appraised as a low-carbon alternative to ground-source heat pumps. An open-loop system with groundwater heat-pumps was determined to be the most favourable option due to excellent aquifer properties below the site. TRE delivered a comprehensive report including a concept configuration for this system, design considerations for its infrastructure and cost estimates.