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Today is a beautiful day in California, the worlds largest producer of geothermal electricity.

David spent the last two days with Paul Brophy, Founder and President of EGS, President of the Geothermal Resources Council (GRC), and Financial Director of the International Geothermal Association (IGA). Paul was an incredibly good host and shared a wealth of valuable knowledge from his extensive experience as a global consultant and leader for the geothermal energy industry.


They spent the first day in the EGS offices in Santa Rosa. Today they attended the Geyser’s Geothermal Association (GGA) annual BBQ which saw the election of their new president at the impressive Geyser’s visitor centre, established by Calpine.

They finished by visiting a few power plants at the Geyser’s – the largest geothermal energy development in the world – which contributes just under 1000 MW of clean sustainable electricity to the Californian grid, enough to power San Francisco.