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These very friendly and joyous gentleman are on the Glorious Geothermal Fieldtrip in New Zealand with David. They all have senior roles in the Kenyan Electricity Generation Company, otherwise known as KenGen. The gentleman on David’s left, Joshua, is the Chairman of KenGen, personally appointed by the President of Kenya. He is a very nice guy and David has had the pleasure of having many interesting discussions with him and his colleagues over the past two days.

Kenya is the most exciting place in the world currently for the development of geothermal power plants. They currently have about 2,500MW installed capacity and plan to have 10,000MW installed by 2018.

The total global capacity is currently about 14,500MW.

We certainly hope to visit Joshua, Moses and our other friends from KenGen in their home country in the near future to see the amazing geothermal progress they are making with our own eyes.
