Happy New Year from Town Rock Energy! 2014 has been a year full of progress for the emerging Scottish geothermal energy sector. Among our many developments: we have significantly furthered our understanding of HSA resources in Scotland’s central belt and presented our findings at the 4th London Geothermal Energy Symposium; we have won funding from the Young EDGE competition; we have relocated to Edinburgh as a result of winning office space and funding from the Edinburgh Centre for Carbon Innovation; and we have been invited to advise the Scottish Government as a core member of their Geothermal Energy Expert Group.
To kick off the new year, David has been shortlisted as one of three finalists for the Entrepreneur of the Year Awards which will take place in Glasgow on the 9th of January. Later in January we are attending the World Future Energy Summit in Abu Dhabi for the second year running, and this time our new Business Development Intern Laura McTavish will be assisting David in making important connections at the summit.
2014 has been an exciting year to progress the geothermal energy agenda, and we are confident that 2015 will be the most exciting year to date for geothermal energy in Scotland.