- December 01, 2015
Date: Jun 2015 – Dec 2015
Location: Falkirk, Scotland
Client: Public Sector
Stage: Feasibility
The Grangemouth area in Falkirk is the largest industrial site in Scotland, with abundant sources of heat demand and waste heat from the refinery, chemicals plant, and numerous other industrial and commercial buildings.
TRE were commissioned by Synergie Environ and Mace in 2015 to undertake a GIS-based heat mapping study for the housing stock in the Grangemouth area of Falkirk and worked with the team to produce three conceptual configurations of district heating networks for the area. Several renewable and non-renewable heat sources on the network were tested for economic viability including a minewater geothermal system drawing heat from a 600m deep coal mine which extends beneath the Firth of Forth.